Packages for every stage of your growth journey

AI Starter

Ideal for startup businesses growing to €1M annual revenue.



  • ✓ CMO-lead strategy audit
  • ✓ AI in marketing workshops or training
  • ✓ Organic search opportunity assessments
  • ✓ AI tool and method recommendations
  • ✓ Suitable for small teams getting started with SEO or AI in marketing
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✨ Popular

AI Booster

Ideal for B2B and SaaS businesses looking to reach €10M ARR.



  • ✓ CMO-lead strategy and planning
  • ✓ AI-driven marketing ops
  • ✓ 4 marketing initiatives per month
  • ✓ Equivalent of 12 hours of strategy or execution per month
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AI Leader

Ideal for €10M ARR+ scale ups looking to become category leaders.



  • ✓ CMO-lead strategy and planning
  • ✓ AI-driven marketing ops
  • ✓ 10 marketing initiatives per month
  • ✓ Align organic search and lead gen
  • ✓ Search & social media ads optimization
  • ✓ Equivalent of 25 hours per month on strategy or execution
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generate more generative edge

Marketing is an investment, not a cost. I'll make sure you'll get the most value for your resources and growth stage.

What is it like working with Lari? 

Most startup leaders want faster growth without wasting money on marketing. This often leads unrealistic expectations and overworked marketers trying to do too much, too soon. If you're focused on hacking your go-to-market journey, you've already lost.

Lari builds on 15+ years experience growing businesses through sustainable and efficient growth marketing. He provides a proven framework for lean and measurable marketing initiatives across distinct growth stages: Pre-€1M, €1-10M and €10M+ ARR.

Don't expect quick wins just by copying others. Lari's methods involves researching and understanding your ideal customers and unique strengths. Together we take a hands-on approach to content development, and iterate until we see results. 

Take advantage of my proven Scale-to-Market framework


To start, I'll help you identify the right marketing strategy and tactics to fit your growth stage and maturity.

As a marketing leader I've helped startups, scale-ups and enterprise businesses make the best use of marketing resources - and align marketing initiatives to better leads and revenue growth.


With the right goals and resources in place, I'll develop a process for leveraging generative AI at scale without compromising on quality.

In the case of search engine optimization, this could be a method for re-purposing your blog catalog or sales materials to better align with ideal customer interest, or using programmatic SEO to position your solution effectively in the market.


As a final step of my Scale-to-Market framework, I'll make sure our marketing investments are aligned with revenue growth.

You can be assured that the investments you make are aligned with your company growth and help you scale up to win more share of the market.

Questions & Answers

Who is this for?

This approach can work for most businesses, but ideal customers are challenger B2B and SaaS companies looking to grow into international markets. Many of my clients have strong Nordic engineering roots and an interest to grow revenue in Western Europe or North America.

Why should I work with you?

As a growth advisor I bring the experience of a CMO and the flexibility of a consultant. I use my experience to solve your core growth challenges without long-term commitments. I help you avoid some of the common growth marketing pain points and test out proven methods I've validated as a marketing leader. 

How does this work?

It all starts by assessing your needs in a strategy call. Depending on your needs, we may decide to do an advisory project or I can give your marketing team more hands-on coaching over a longer period of time. The goal is to equip you with the knowledge and resources to scale up your marketing engine without a dependence on external agencies or expensive resources. 

How is this different from SEO services?

This isn't comparable to conventional search engine optimization services that are measured based on the hours worked or the amount of content produced or vanity metrics like website rankings. Our We don't focus on output, we focus on sales and growth.

What's with the generative AI hype?

Marketing communications is one of those areas where generative AI has allowed for massively more productive ways of working. This doesn't mean that we focus on generating thousands of low quality pieces of content. Instead, we use generative AI tools and techniques to save time on manual workflows, such as research, analysis and copy editing.  In all of our work we focus on human input and human output.

Are you an agency?

No. I'm an independent consultant. I plan and execute the work myself.

superhuman growth

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