Learn B2B Marketing Best Practices

SEO Playbook for B2B Marketers

Search engine optimization is one of the key activities of any business-to-business marketing teams. However, the techniques and best practices used differ widely from the SEO techniques used in B2C and eCommerce. Here are a few introductory resources you can reference to get started.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

On-page SEO

Off page SEO

Technical SEO

What is Google's E-E-A-T?

Is SEO demand generation?

What is programmatic SEO?



Lead Generation Playbook

B2B marketers are often tasked with generating more leads. This task is easier said than done, as the methods for lead generation have developed greatly over the past years. Here are a few practical resources to get you started.

What is a lead?

What is lead generation?

What is demand generation?

How to generate better leads in B2B?

What is lead nurturing?

What is a lead magnet?

AI in Marketing Playbook

Artificial intelligence is greatly changing the way B2B marketers create and adapt content. Here are some quick references on how to get started with AI in marketing.

Generative AI in Marketing

Generative AI in SEO

AI in lead generation

AI in Marketing 2024 CMO Survey

Compare AI Tools for B2B Marketers

There are hundreds of different AI-powered tools B2B marketers can use to be more productive and get a competitive edge. Here is a collection of different tools we've personally tested and tried out as experienced marketers.

AIContentfy - SEO on Autopilot?

Jasper.ai - generating articles in minutes

Copy.ai - finally a replacement for ChatGPT for marketers?

Account Based Marketing Playbook

Account-based marketing is an emerging topic within B2B marketing that is often misunderstood or misused. Let's go through some of it's key applications and best practices based on our experience working with ABM over the past 5 years.

How to define your ideal customer profile (ICP)

ChatGPT Playbook for B2B Marketers

Most marketers have tried ChatGPT to generate new content or creative ideas, however the best practices of how to use ChatGPT as a marketer are not easily available. We've put together some key materials to help you get started.

How to change your writing style in ChatGPT